Friday, March 28, 2008

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions...

It's rough out there for a college student, there are so many distractions that result in putting school on the back burner. For there to be success in school you have to figure out a way to balance all these things out. These are some of the things that can lead to the downfall of any college students:

1. Facebook/Myspace: Your sitting there studying, writing a paper, and what happens? Who can say that they haven't found themselves inevitably ending up on either of these websites? Wasting hours "commenting" each other, stalking your ex's page, looking at each others pictures, seeing which parties people are attending that weekend,etc...

2. Relationships: Whether your in one, trying be in one, getting over one, this is always something that haunts most college students. Suddenly your significant other becomes your main priority. Only thinking about this one person or people? who knows, whatever the situation is, it's taking up a lot of time and energy. The stress of a breakup/fight leads to you zoning out and not paying attention to your school work. This only leads to one thing.. DRAMA

3. Excessive Partying: Thursday night rolls around, you're out, having fun, drinking a little too much, the last thing on your mind is that Friday morning class. Next morning the hangover kicks in, where are you not? yup you guessed it, class...