Friday, April 25, 2008

they are like accidents, everyone stops to watch.

This post is dedicated to what a topic that I LOVE. The lives celebrities these are arguably the most entertaining things to follow. What's gonna happen this week? Who is gonna get arrested for a DUI? Whose pregnant this week? Who is getting divorced, whose on drugs, etc... They are always making headlines, We are always watching to see what move they will make next.

There are a particular group of lovely train wrecks that are always in the blogs these days.

Lindsay Lohan

  • "Actress"

  • Notorious party girl

  • has been romantically linked to... well any man you can imagine.
  • Arrested on various different occasions solely in 2007.

  • Not 1, not 2, but 3 visits to rehab in 2007.

  • 2008- off the wagon.

  • It's been years since she's had a successful movie

Paris Hilton

  • heiress/reality show "star"
  • sex tape star
  • of course... a party girl

  • all around skank.

  • DUI arrest/ served a couple hours of jailtime for her offense

Britney Spears

  • fallen popstar.

  • Married twice, 1 annulment, 1 divorce

  • 2 kids.

  • Various "crotch shots" in 07'

  • hospitalized various times for psychological evaluations.

  • diagnosed with a bi-polar disorder.

  • all around downward spiral.
  • shaved head in 07. enough said.


Tattoos are becoming more and more common with our generation. Especially in my area and my age group it seems that everyday someones getting one. This is something that was considered a horrible thing to do in the time our parent's grew up. Only "convicts" and "bikers" had tattoo's. As the times change this is something that is not true anymore.

My parents were always against the idea of their kids getting tattoos. And as all my cousins began to do it they became more understanding of it. & i have to admit that last week I got one myself. I was really nervous, I rescheduled my appointment several times before I actually got the courage to go to the shop and actually go through with it. I got my tattoo on the alleged "most painful spot" possible, on my rib. Everyone I told said it would absolutely kill, telling stories of their friends who passed out during it. They told me things like that I would have to hold my breathe while he was tattooing me and they discouraged me to do it.

I shouldn't have believed the hype, it did not hurt as much as I thought it would have. I can't say that I enjoyed the experience. I don't think anyone would enjoy being stabbed with needles over and over again for a half hour, but don't believe the hype. If you are considering a tattoo but are hesitating because of the pain, I would encourage you to go for it. I got a Chinese kanji meaning hope, which is something that meant a lot to me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This post is about my crazyyyyyyy dog Daisy. She is the weirdest dog I think I've ever encountered. She is currently six years old and she's a Pekingese. I got her when I was 13 while visiting a family member in Virginia. They simply said "Oh you like her? You can have her" Her first night was the worst she cried the entire night and no one got any sleep at all. After that she calmed down.
This dog is the most territorial dog you will ever meet. She is very protective of my family, especially of my mom. When a person she doesn't know enters the house all hell breaks loose. She will stop barking and if anyone tries to pet her she will not hesitate to bite them. She's not violent or anything just not very friendly. Same applies to other dog's. Daisy must think that she is some kind of German Shepard with some of the dogs she tries to take on. You have to keep the leash really tight when another dog rolls around.
She's a spoiled brat. She doesnt like it when you leave her alone in the house and she makes it known by knocking down all of the cushions on all of the couches. She wont eat her dog food unless its mixed in with some kind of table food. I was doing some googling on her breed and it turns out that she's the typical Pekignese.

This is what had to say about these little devils.
Pekignese are very brave little dogs, courageous to the point of foolhardiness! They are sensitive, independent and extremely affectionate with their master, but are wary of strangers. Ther are obstinate, self-willed and may be difficult to feed and are sometimes known to refuse to eat as much to show dominance over its owner. They are loving to the point of jealousy. They tend to bark a lot and make good watchdogs. Sound familiar?

Monday, April 21, 2008 The Power of Photoshop

I stumbled upon this really cool website, I don't even recall how I ended up here but its called its a site that hosts various different photo shop contests and photos. There are a lot of amazing things that can be done using this program. Its used for many different ways, it's a favorite of many celeb's who can be made to look like the gorgeous beings that they are NOT on these different magazine covers. It is something that anyone can enjoy, there are so many things that could be done on this program. People can spend hours exploring the different tools that photo shop makes available to you.

This site has thousands of different galleries. They are all on various topics that users themselves have made. One of the galleries that popped out to me is called: MangaRen. This is a mix of fine classical art with the more modern form or art: manga. I have to admit that i find the manga art to be very beautiful in itself. My brother is very interested in the anime scene and it's something that I've been exposed to since I was little. It's something that I actually began to like. So seeing this art mixed in with the beauty of fine art is something that is amazing to me. These two different styles are very different. The manga characters are very unrealistic, most of them contain very bubbly eyes. As opposed to the fine art that is meant to look more classical and realistic, in a more of an oil painting kind of way.


An interesting topic came up in my intro to Psychology class today. The question was whether or not alcoholism is a choice or if it can be considered a disease? In my opinion no addiction is a disease, its every ones individual choice to begin using what they will eventually become addicted to. Whether it be alcohol or different types of drugs. It is a personal decision for someone to begin drinking. It becomes a habit before it becomes an addiction. Drinking is something that in my opinion can be controlled. For whatever reason someone begins to drink , it could be for entertainment or to try and forget some of the problems they are having in their lives it should not get out of hand. It is the same with any addiction. Because that's what these things are, addictions, not diseases.
If alcoholism would be considered a disease, then what else could be considered a disease, being addicted to crystal meth? It's the same thing. I do believe that alcoholism could be a pre-disposition to some people, but it is something that can be avoided. A disease is something that you cant change, for example, cancer. Alcoholism is something that can be changed and that someone can recover from. This is why I disagree with those that consider alcoholism to be considered a disease.

Friday, April 11, 2008

One Sentence Story..

She turned the page, even read a couple of new chapters, but she's not ready to close the book...

creative non fiction

Wikipedia defines Creative nonfiction contrasts with other nonfiction. such as technical writng or journalism, which is also rooted in accurate fact, but is not primarily written in service to its craft. Literature is full of different various genres. One of these genres is known as Creative Non-Fiction. There is no clear definition of what this genre really is. It is a form of writing that involves informing the reader using personal experiences, memories, as well as research they may have been conducted. It is called creative non fiction as opposed to non fiction because it allows the author to give you his perspective on the situation and elaborate as they tell the story as opposed to just simply retelling the event.
Non-Fiction can usually take the form of informative texts such as newspaper articles and encyclopedia entries. They inform you strictly of the facts. Creative Non-Fiction is different from that. It not only informs you of the facts but the author develops it in a way where it seems like he is telling you a story. It contains well developed characters and settings in a way that is not giving you solely verbatim of the events. The author is telling you the events that happened from his perspective adding the feelings that they, or the characters may have felt. They do not stray from the facts.
A perfect example of this genre can be seen in “The Curve of Binding Energy” by John McPhee. The author succeeds in informing us on nuclear energy. He tells us about all these different chemicals and the history or nuclear bombs and how they can be easily made. The character in this story is Ted Taylor, we learn about the story of his life and the work he has done. He tells of the dangers of raw nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands could cause. As well as the advances he has made in the field of fission. The story informs of the facts as well as a perspective into the authors feelings on the use of nuclear energy.