Monday, April 21, 2008


An interesting topic came up in my intro to Psychology class today. The question was whether or not alcoholism is a choice or if it can be considered a disease? In my opinion no addiction is a disease, its every ones individual choice to begin using what they will eventually become addicted to. Whether it be alcohol or different types of drugs. It is a personal decision for someone to begin drinking. It becomes a habit before it becomes an addiction. Drinking is something that in my opinion can be controlled. For whatever reason someone begins to drink , it could be for entertainment or to try and forget some of the problems they are having in their lives it should not get out of hand. It is the same with any addiction. Because that's what these things are, addictions, not diseases.
If alcoholism would be considered a disease, then what else could be considered a disease, being addicted to crystal meth? It's the same thing. I do believe that alcoholism could be a pre-disposition to some people, but it is something that can be avoided. A disease is something that you cant change, for example, cancer. Alcoholism is something that can be changed and that someone can recover from. This is why I disagree with those that consider alcoholism to be considered a disease.


Anonymous said...

If alcoholism would be considered a disease, then what else could be considered a disease, being addicted to crystal meth? It's the same thing.



Alcohol abuse affects millions. This site has a lot of useful information.