Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This post is about my crazyyyyyyy dog Daisy. She is the weirdest dog I think I've ever encountered. She is currently six years old and she's a Pekingese. I got her when I was 13 while visiting a family member in Virginia. They simply said "Oh you like her? You can have her" Her first night was the worst she cried the entire night and no one got any sleep at all. After that she calmed down.
This dog is the most territorial dog you will ever meet. She is very protective of my family, especially of my mom. When a person she doesn't know enters the house all hell breaks loose. She will stop barking and if anyone tries to pet her she will not hesitate to bite them. She's not violent or anything just not very friendly. Same applies to other dog's. Daisy must think that she is some kind of German Shepard with some of the dogs she tries to take on. You have to keep the leash really tight when another dog rolls around.
She's a spoiled brat. She doesnt like it when you leave her alone in the house and she makes it known by knocking down all of the cushions on all of the couches. She wont eat her dog food unless its mixed in with some kind of table food. I was doing some googling on her breed and it turns out that she's the typical Pekignese.

This is what had to say about these little devils.
Pekignese are very brave little dogs, courageous to the point of foolhardiness! They are sensitive, independent and extremely affectionate with their master, but are wary of strangers. Ther are obstinate, self-willed and may be difficult to feed and are sometimes known to refuse to eat as much to show dominance over its owner. They are loving to the point of jealousy. They tend to bark a lot and make good watchdogs. Sound familiar?